
Baseline Information for Integrated Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Zambia

Baseline Information for Integrated Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Zambia

This report presents the baseline information which would contribute to integrated surveillance of AMR in Zambia. It brings together presently available data across human-health, animal, plant sectors and the environment. In the human-health sec­tor, information on key infectious diseases, antibiotics used, AMR trends, and labo­ratory capacity is identified. Similarly, data on animal population, food production, diseases, antimicrobial use patterns, and AMR trends is documented in the animal sector. The plant sector highlights crop production statistics, antimicrobials used and the laboratory capacities available. The focus in the environment sector is on identifying waste generation sources, waste disposal methods and laboratories that have the capacity to perform microbiological and analytical studies in environmental samples. The framework of this report can be useful for other countries as well.