Switch away from tobacco an economic, health boon for Kenyan farmers

Switch away from tobacco an economic, health boon for Kenyan farmers

Reginald Omulo, Bean Farmer

Reginald Omulo, Bean Farmer

Lamine Thiare, Football Coach, Senegal

Lamine Thiare, Football Coach, Senegal

No tobacco

Sierra Leone becomes 38th country with tobacco control laws in WHO African Region

Kenya: Quitting tobacco farming to improve health

Quitting tobacco farming to improve health

Mrs Margaret Kwaada Julius receiving the tobacco control

 “I am a threat to tobacco”-Advocate 

Smoking is not funny: South African comedian on tobacco harm

Smoking is not funny: South African comedian on tobacco harm

Fresher air, cleaner lungs: Ethiopia expands smoke-free zones

Fresher air, cleaner lungs: Ethiopia expands smoke-free zones

Ernest Ajayi, a 45 years-old civil servant.jpg

 I quit smoking to live a healthier life