Welcome banner at the event

WHO Spearheads Groundbreaking Workshop to Advance Clinical Trial Oversight in West Africa

Combating Measles: A Comprehensive Community-centered Approach in Ethiopia's Areas

Combating Measles: a comprehensive community-centered approach in Ethiopia

UNICEF and WHO scale up government led cholera response in communities with support from European Union

World Health Organization supports efforts to restore Health Information Systems in Northern Ethiopia

World Health Organization supports efforts to restore Health Information Systems in Northern Ethiopia

Traditional leader at health promotion activity in Angola

From crisis to collaboration: Reducing meningitis mortality in Huambo province, Angola

Ethiopia Strengthens Emergency Response with One Health Rapid Response Team Training

Ethiopia Strengthens Emergency Response with One Health Rapid Response Team Training

World Health Day Commemoration 2024

Uganda engages communities in physical and mental health activities as part of the World Health Day Commemoration

World Health Day Commemoration 2024

Uganda engages communities in physical and mental health activities as part of the World Health Day Commemoration

Dr. Jane Maina (center) with the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmadou L. Samateh (right)

Dr. Jane Maina Assumes Role as WHO Interim Country Representative in The Gambia

World Health Day Commemoration 2024

Uganda engages communities in physical and mental health activities as part of the World Health Day Commemoration