World Malaria Day 2017: End malaria for good

25 avril 2017

This year’s global theme for World Malaria Day is End Malaria for Good

Across sub-Saharan Africa, where the disease is heavily concentrated, a greater share of the population is sleeping under insecticide-treated nets. In 2015, an estimated 53% of the population at risk slept under a treated net compared to 30% in 2010. In 20 African countries, preventive treatment for pregnant woman increased five-fold between 2010 and 2015.

Although there has been a lot of progress, the pace must be greatly accelerated. To speed progress towards these global targets, WHO is calling on malaria-affected countries and their development partners to boost investments in malaria prevention. In parallel, the Organization is calling for greater funding for the development, evaluation and deployment of new tools.

Robust investments in malaria prevention and in new tools will propel countries along the path to elimination while also contributing to other Sustainable Development Goals, such as improving maternal and child health.

With the required resources, and all partners united, we can transform our common vision – End Malaria for Good – into a shared reality.world_