WHO Eritrea Bienniun Report WHO 2020 - 2021

Who Eritrea Bienniun Report WHO 2020 - 2021

Eritrea is one of the few countries that achieved the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and is building on the successes of the MDGs to continue towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The country has made significant progress towards the achievement of SDG 3 targets including a gain of 20 years in life expectancy from 48 years in 2000 to 68 in 2020; Increase in Universal Health Coverage (UHC) service coverage index from 47.6% to 54.9% between 2016 and 2021; reduction in under 5 mortality rate, infant

mortality rate and neonatal mortality rate by 75%, 68%, 49% respectively from 1990 to 2020; Decreased incidence and prevalence of major communicable diseases like TB, Malaria and HIV. /sites/default/files/countries/all/Eritrea/Who%20Eritrea%20Bienniun%20Report%20WHO%202020%20-%202021.pdf