Transformation Agenda - Responsive strategic operations


Strategic Operations

Improve the effectiveness of support functions by ensuring adequate alignment of funding and resource allocation with priorities.

  • Initiatives
  • Accountability and Internal Control Strengthening (AICS) Project

  • Managerial key performance indicators

  • AFRO Team Performance Program

  • Value for Money initiative in procurement

  • Go Green Initiative

  • Improved ITM Architecture

  • Outcomes
  • Improved efficiency and accountability in the areas of finance, procurement and general management

  • Promote a respectful workplace within WHO AFRO

  • Improved leveraging and use of available technologies and tools, especially GSM and Business Intelligence dashboards

  • Green initiative and paperless environment established

  • Improved response time and turnaround time (TAT) for processes and services

The aim of the Responsive Strategic Operations pillar of the Transformation Agenda is to transform the enabling functions in WHO in the Region, improve internal oversight and compliance, and promote managerial accountability, transparency and risk management. A Compliance and Risk Management Committee (CRMC) was established to provide strategic guidance to the Accountability and Internal Control Strengthening (AICS) Project and to support the Regional Director in ensuring a strategic, transparent and effective overall approach to risk and compliance management. The AICS Project is a tool to assist WHO staff to improve controls and accountability in their work and is based on five key pillars:

  1. improved information-sharing
  2. clearly defined expectations and robust monitoring and evaluation
  3. targeted training and direct country support
  4. improved engagement with Member States
  5. improved governance and oversight.

Focused efforts to bring timely, high-quality technical support closer to countries has led to the establishment of 11 Multi-Country Assignment Teams (MCAT). Equipped with specialized, technical experts, the MCATs are working closely with WHO country offices to scale up technical support across eight critical health areas that contribute to the disproportionate morbidity and mortality rates in Africa. Value for Money (VfM) principles and Results Based Management have become an integral part of WHO day-to-day operations with both managerial and technical key performance indicators being monitored and applied in routine performance reporting. To date, 42 Programme Management and 32 External Relations officers have been deployed to support WHO country offices in strengthening their strategic planning and resource mobilization capacities thereby setting WHO on a sustainable path.


42 Programme Management Officers

32 External Relations Officers

have been deployed to support WHO country offices


96% in 2018

100% in 2020

increase in imprest account reconciliation compliance rates


Value for Money principles

have become an integral part of WHO day-to-day operations


Technical and Managerial KPIs

being monitored in all 47 country offices