Transformation Agenda - Aligning with WHO Reform

Aligning with the Global Transformation

Aligning with the Global Transformation

“Our goal is clear - to make WHO a modern organization that works seamlessly to make a measurable difference in people's health at country level.”

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Address to the Executive Board, 22 January 2018

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AFRO Transformation Implementation and Alignment Dashboard

The Global WHO Transformation Effort

Transformation Effort

New WHO mission & strategy

New WHO operating model

Fit-for-purpose WHO processes & tools

New approach to WHO's external engagement

The WHO Global Transformation Program began in 2017 when the AFRO Transformation Agenda had already launched and was two years into implementation. In many ways, the AFRO Transformation Agenda has influenced the strategic outcomes of the Global Transformation Agenda.

  • Pro-results Values: This strategic pillar aligns with the WHO managerial reform through the "accountability and transparency" and "strengthened culture of evaluation" outcomes.
  • Smart Technical Focus: This strategic pillar contributes to WHO’s managerial reform through the outcome on "effective technical and policy support for all Member States", and the programmatic reform theme through the outcome "WHO’s priorities defined, addressed and financed in alignment with agreed priorities."
  • Responsive Strategic Operations: This strategic pillar aligns with WHO’s managerial reform through the following outcomes: "staffing matched to needs at all levels of the Organization"; "financing and resource allocation aligned with priorities"; and "managerial accountability, transparency and risk management assured".
  • Effective Communications and Partnerships: This strategic pillar contributes to WHO’s managerial reform through the outcomes "strengthened culture of evaluation"; and "improved strategic communication". It also aligns with the governance reform through the outcomes "streamlined reporting of and communication with Member States"; and "strengthened effective engagement with other stakeholders".

WHO Reform

  • New WHO mission & strategy
  • New WHO operating model
  • Fit-for-purpose WHO processes & tools
  • New approach to WHO's external engagement

Results focus around four pillars

  • Pro-results Values Pro-results Values
  • Smart Technical Focus Smart Technical Focus
  • Responsive Strategic Operations Responsive Strategic Operations
  • Effective Communications and Partnerships Effective Communications and Partnerships

WHO AFRO continues to strengthen alignment and accelerate progress in implementing the WHO Global reforms through experience sharing, participation in the Global Transformation Taskforce and engagement in the three-level (HQ, Regional and country level) output delivery teams.