Immunization and Vaccines Development

About the Immunization and Vaccines Development (IVD) Program
Immunization is widely recognized as a proven tool for controlling and possibly eradicating disease and remains one of the most cost effective public health interventions. Infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria and parasites are responsible for the major childhood diseases (e.g. viruses cause measles and polio while bacteria cause tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis).

Immunization and Vaccine Development program’s work is guided by the Regional Strategic Plan on Immunization (2014-2020) – RSPI – developed in line with the Global Vaccine Action Plan (2011-2020) and formulated through a broad-based consultative process in which Member States and many stakeholders played an active role. The over-arching goal of the RSPI is to ensure universal immunization coverage in the African Region.

Infections such as diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough) can lead to pneumonia that is caused by haemophilus influenza type b, a leading killer in the Region. Hepatitis B virus infects many infants and children. When infected with hepatitis B, children have a 90% chance of developing a life-long, chronic infection that can cause liver failure.
The objectives of the program are:


  • To support countries to develop, implement and monitor integrated, evidence-based policies, strategies, comprehensive action plans that increase access to and utilization of immunization services by all eligible populations.
  • To support countries to reduce the high number of unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated people and address equity gaps linked to disparities in immunization coverage
  • To support countries for the introduction of new vaccines and strengthen the integration and/or collaboration of immunization services with other child /adolescent interventions
  • To support countries to build and strengthen their logistics and supply chain systems
  • To support countries to improve their immunization data and surveillance systems and monitor vaccine-preventable disease trends and coverage
  • To support countries improve sustainability of their national immunization programmes by mobilizing domestic and external resources
  • To support countries to strengthen their vaccine regulation systems
  • To support countries for implementation research activities.

The program covers:

  • Immunization Delivery Services
    • Routine Immunization
    • New Vaccines Introduction
    • New Vaccines Surveillance and Impact assessment
    • Community Engagement
  • Accelerated Immunization Initiatives
    • Maternal & Neonatal Tetanus Elimination
    • Measles Elimination
    • Rubella & Congenital Rubella Syndrome Control
    • Meningitis control
    • Yellow Fever control
  • Immunization System Support
    • Data Management
    • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    • Vaccine Quality and Safety
    • Vaccine regulation
    • Capacity building & Implementation Research

Contact for IVD Program:

Dr Richard MIHIGO
Program Area Manager, Immunization and Vaccine Development
Email: mihigor [at] (mihigor[at]who[dot]int)
Tel: +47 241 39926