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Cholera response

WHO Ethiopia surge team helps control the spread of cholera in Goro Woreda of Oromia region

An immunization card used to record recieved childhood vaccines

WHO partners government for Big-Catch-up campaign to close immunization coverage gaps

Integrated Immunization Campaign Targets Over 830,000 Children in Tigray Region, Ethiopia

Integrated Immunization Campaign Targets Over 830,000 Children in Tigray Region, Ethiopia

HIV testing during TB testing week 2022 at Gishiri, Abuja

Stakeholders take on malaria, top killer disease with innovative tools 

Empowering communities to fight cholera misinformation in Malawi

Empowering communities to fight cholera misinformation in Malawi

Collaborating for a Rapid and Efficient Response: The Emergency Preparedness and Response Flagship Initiative in Ethiopia

Collaborating for a Rapid and Efficient Response: The Emergency Preparedness and Response Flagship Initiative in Ethiopia