Cerimónia oficial do Dia Mundial de luta contra o Paludismo

São Tomé and Principe celebrated the World Malaria Day

Major step in malaria prevention as three West African countries roll out vaccine

Major step in malaria prevention as three West African countries roll out vaccine

Ghana intensifies efforts towards malaria elimination

Ghana intensifies efforts towards malaria elimination

Les Ministres africains de la santé s’engagent à mettre fin aux décès dus au paludisme

African health ministers commit to end malaria deaths

Nearly 10 000 children vaccinated as malaria vaccine rollout in Africa expands

Nearly 10 000 children vaccinated as malaria vaccine rollout in Africa expands

Loading of malaria vaccines underway at Roberts International Airport in Margibi , Liberia

Ministry of Health, Gavi, WHO and UNICEF Announce Arrival of 112,000 Doses of Malaria Vaccine in Liberia

Cameroon kicks off malaria vaccine rolls out

Cameroon kicks off malaria vaccine rollout

WHO Certifies Cabo Verde as Malaria-Free, Marking a Historic Milestone in the Fight Against Malaria

WHO Certifies Cabo Verde as Malaria-Free, Marking a Historic Milestone in the Fight Against Malaria

 Shipments to African countries herald final steps toward broader vaccination against malaria

Shipments to African countries herald final steps toward broader vaccination against malaria

AFRO II Project

Zimbabwe ramps up efforts to eliminate malaria