Responding to a Suspected Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Remote Dajo: Lessons and Triumphs

WHO delivered crucial medical supplies to save lives

Responding to a Suspected Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in Remote Dajo: Lessons and Triumphs

In the wake of a concerning development, authorities in Longochuk County, Upper Nile State, reported a series of fatalities on 15 May 2023, believed to be linked to a suspected viral hemorrhagic fever outbreak in the secluded villages of Dajo and Pacime. Patients displayed concerning symptoms, including fever, headache, and diarrhea, with many cases reported among children.

Swift Action in Challenging Conditions
Despite the challenges posed by the location's isolation, limited healthcare infrastructure, and poor road infrastructures, responders acted swiftly, employing a multi-pronged approach that included leadership and coordination, rigorous surveillance, meticulous contact tracing, and effective risk communication.

The World Health Organization (WHO) dispatched a multidisciplinary team comprising clinicians, nurses, and public health experts to investigate the suspected viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) outbreak and augment surveillance measures in Longochuk County. Their concerted efforts gathered 45 patient samples and conducted tests at the National Public Health Laboratory in Juba, with 26.58% of the samples testing positive for Measles and 32.71% for Malaria.

A Lifeline in a Crisis
Moreover, WHO delivered 42 essential health emergency kits, including vital supplies such as Malaria rapid diagnostic test kits, Inter-Agency Emergency Health kits, sample collection and transportation kits, cholera investigation and treatment kits, and pneumonia kits; these provisions were estimated to cater to the immediate needs of up to 10 000 people over the ensuing three months.

WHO also coordinated an integrated mass vaccination campaign aimed at providing vital protection against communicable diseases, and over 220 individuals received urgently required healthcare services during the initial response.

A Grueling Journey to Save Lives
Despite formidable challenges posed by Dajo's isolated location compounded by severe flooding, responders heroically embarked on a grueling 20-hour journey on foot through treacherous terrain to reach the remote village.

Logistics and Adaptability
To mitigate some of these challenges, WHO employed helicopters to facilitate the team's deployment and expedite the delivery of crucial medical supplies, contributing to collective immunity and safeguarding the community, particularly children, from infectious diseases. This experience underscores the necessity of logistical preparedness, an integrated approach, rapid diagnosis, and adaptability of responders when facing adversity.

A Remarkable Testament to the Human Spirit
The resilience and dedication of healthcare workers and organizations working in the most challenging and remote environments offer an inspiring testament to the human spirit's remarkable capacity to overcome even the most daunting obstacles. In the face of adversity, their hard work and commitment serve as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the incredible impact that can be achieved through determined, coordinated efforts to save lives and preserve the health of communities in need.

This response was made possible through generous funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.

WHO delivered crucial medical supplies to save lives
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