WHO urges Karonga District Health Office to intensify Cholera outbreak interventions...

The World Health Organization country office in Malawi conducted an assessment of cholera outbreak control efforts in Karonga district between 18 and 19 January 2018. The WHO mission’s major finding was that the District Epidemic Response Committee under the leadership of the District Health Officer, Dr Phinias Mfune was effectively managing all the partners who were present in the district supporting cholera control activities. “We conduct weekly coordination meetings at the District Counsel chamber. The main aim of the coordination meetings is to ensure that we share information about who is doing what, where and when. In addition, the coordination meetings help us identify gaps in terms of drugs and supplies like chlorine for water treatment, intravenous fluids, personal protective equipment, financial and human resources” Dr Mfune informed the WHO mission during a courtesy call.

Malawi launches the National Alcohol Policy on 18 August 2017

On 18 August the Malawi Government launched the National Alcohol Policy at a ceremony that took place at Kantchito Primary School Ground at Bembeke in Dedza District. The guest of Honor for the auspicious occasion was Honorable Minister of Health, Mr Atupele Muluzi MP. Among the distinguished guests were the World Health Organization Representative Dr Eugene Nyarko, the Chief of Health Services, Dr Charles Mwansambo, the Chairman for Southern Africa Alcohol Policy Alliance, Mr Phillip Chimponda Francis and the Executive Director for Drug Fight Malawi, Mr Nelson Zakeyu just to mention a few.

Malawi Launches ‘Making Pregnancy Safer’ Partnership

Lilongwe, February 15, 2007 -- The Government of Malawi, the European Commission (EC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have entered into a partnership aimed at reducing maternal deaths, as a contribution to Malawi's attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.

Create 100% smoke free environment: protect women and children from tobacco smoke

World No Tobacco Day Celebration June 13 2007

On June 13 2007, Malawi celebrated the World No Tobacco Day at the Shire Highlands Hotel in Blantyre. The activities to mark the day were a Public Lecture on the dangers of second hand smoke followed by a Press Conference. The Consumer Association of Malawi was the organizer of the event and the World Health Organisation provided technical and financial support.

Oxygen Production and Delivery Reducing Pneumonia Deaths in Infants

Lilongwe, 20 July 2007 -- More than half of all child deaths due to pneumonia in Malawi could be prevented with the use of oxygen. This finding is based on an assessment of the Ministry of Health’s Child Lung Health Project in 16 Malawian hospitals. The Child Lung Health Project has been under way since 2000 thanks to a US$ 3 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The aim of the project is to reduce pneumonia deaths in infants by 30 percent.

WHO Alignment and Harmonisation Learning Toolkits First Tested on WHO Malawi Staff

Lilongwe, 21 September 2007 -- The Malawi WHO country office team participated at workshop for the WHO Alignment and Harmonisation (A & H) Learning Toolkit for Country Teams from 12 to 14 September 2007. The aim of the workshop was to test the A & H Tool kit that has been developed by WHO Headquarters through a series of meetings since early 2006. The Malawi country office team is the first of all WHO country offices to participate in this type of workshop.

WHO, EC and Malawi government partnership to make pregnancy safer still going strong

Now close to US $ 163, 656 worth of mother and child health care equipment donated

Lilongwe, 1 April 2008 -- The WHO in collaboration with the European Commission (EC) on March 25th donated basic emergency obstetric care (BEmOC) equipment and skills development materials worth US $ 69,815 to the Ministry of Health. This is part of the partnership agreement that the Ministry of Health, the WHO and the European Commission signed in Malawi on February 15 2007.

WHO commends Malawi’s efforts on tuberculosis control on 2011

World STOP TB Day commemoration

Malawi joined the rest of the world in commemorating World TB Day which is entering the second year of a two-year campaign, whose theme is “On the move against tuberculosis.” The national launch took place on 24 March at Wimbe Primary School ground in Kasungu district located some 130 km north-east of the capital, Lilongwe.

The World Health Organization joined the Ministry of Health (MOH) in the commemoration launch and the guest of honor at the ceremony was the Minister of Health, Honorable Professor David Mphande, MP.

Norway's Representative on the Executive Board of WHO visits Malawi

Dr Bjorn-Inge Larsen, the World Health Organization Executive Board member, visited Malawi from 12 to 15 April 2011. Dr Larsen who is also the Chief Medical Officer of Norway visited the WHO Malawi country office (WCO) on the 12th April and shared the objectives of his visit with staff members.

Together with his entourage from the Norwegian Embassy, Dr Larsen had a briefing session on the support that the WCO provides to the Ministry of Health (MoH).