Integrated Disease Surveillance


    The Integrated Disease Surveillance (IDS) Programme ensures the availability of guidelines for integrated disease surveillance and response. It provides necessary technical support for strengthening national communicable disease surveillance systems through the implementation of the Regional Strategy for Integrated Disease Surveillance and the International health Regulations.

    IDS establishes links with national Centres of Excellence (CoE), regional and global networks for disease surveillance thereby participating in global effort for the control of communicable diseases through the International Health regulations (IHR) implementation which will stimulate the IDSR implementation within the region.

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    Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) Epidemiological Report, July 2010
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    “Networking of public health research institutions in the African Region”
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    Stakeholders Meeting for Emerging Pandemic Threats FAO, OIE and WHO IDENTIFY PROJECT, Entebbe, Uganda, 2-4 November 2010