Annual Service Statistics Report, 2021

Annual Service Statistics Report, 2021

The Service Statistics Report is produced annually to inform policy and provide information for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national health programmes. This report aims to demonstrate key statistics in the health sector in a concise and easily understandable structure to ensure all stakeholders utilize it without difficulty. The report includes data from public, private, NGO health facilities, community clinics, referral hospitals and the village health service.

The report is divided into chapters, namely introduction, health workforce, health facilities, health facility beds, expenditure, timeliness and completeness, services utilization, communicable and non-communicable diseases, morbidity, mortality, immunization, disease surveillance, village health services and specialized interventions. The specialized interventions include data on Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV & AIDS and Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH).