“People living with Elephantiatis are often stigmatized” – patient 

Abuja, 31 January, 2023 - Betty Livingstone, (not her real name), 22 years old native of Benue State, has been living with swollen lower limbs since 2012. 

“I remember waking up one morning and noticing my feet were swollen. The swelling started in my feet and gradually progressed to my legs. Having swollen legs is very embarrassing as people look at me weirdly,” she says.  

Cervical cancer - Early detection saves lives 

Ondo, 27 January, 2023 - It's 10 am on a Wednesday, and Ilemobayo Wuraola, a health worker, is holding a cervical cancer awareness talk for women attending the Family Planning (FP) clinic at Arakale health centre in Akure, Ondo State. 

“Cervical cancer screening is importanct for early detection of the disease, and it is advisable for women of child bearing age or sexually active females to get tested,” she says. 

Nigerian laboratory receives WHO full accreditation for fight against measles and ru...

Abuja, 19 January, 2023 - A Nigerian laboratory, the Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL), Lagos, recently attained a World Health Organization (WHO) full laboratory accreditation status in respect of its contribution to the fight against measles and rubella in the country. 

The CPHL is one of the laboratories under the Nigeria Centre For Disease Control (NCDC) Measles and Rubella laboratory network.

The WHO full accreditated status is the highest accreditation level that can be achieved by any laboratory.

Cholera-WHO supports Ebonyi State to curb the outbreak 

It was noon at a health facility in Amaozanu Community, located at Ishielu Local Government Area (LGA), Ebonyi state. 

Lying on a bed at the cholera treatment unit (CTU) with a drip (intravenous fluid or IV) on his hand is Mr Onwe Godwin, a 56-year-old from Amuhu Village in Ishielu LGA, 

He had been admitted to the hospital for three days, but cannot recall or trace how he contracted the disease. 

Narrating his experience, he says “I was passing watery stool for about 24 hours but did not know how I got to the hospital. 

In Borno, 4-month  cholera outbreak is over.

Maiduguri, 12 January, 2023 - Residents of Borno State can finally heave a sigh of relief as the state government recently declared the cholera outbreak over. The state recorded 12,496 confirmed cases with 394 deaths (confirmed 288, suspected 106) from (17 September 2022 to 23 December 2022) in 17 out of 27 Local Government Areas (LGAs). 

Enjoy the festive food without putting your health at risk 

Abuja - 23 December 2022 - The festive season is a time for celebration. However, enjoying the holiday’s food does not mean neglecting healthy diet, being inactive and putting your health at risk. 

Elizabeth Agbonkhese, a chef and event planner residing in Abuja, says despite the celebration in the air, she will ensure her family eats healthy meals during the yuletide season. 

Conducting her final Christmas shopping at one of the markets in Abuja, Mrs Agbonkhese says she intends to encourage them to eat healthy food and junk eating will be sparingly. 

How mental health support is restoring hope in war-torn Nigeria

Maiduguri, 20 December, 2022 – "At some point, I lost it,” says Hafsat Naya,* 59, who lives in Jere, a Local Government Area in Borno State, Nigeria. “I was separated from the people I knew. Everyone had been displaced. There were a lot of killings and we could not go to the farm or market because of fear.”

In Borno State, over two million women, children, and men have been forced to flee their homes to stay alive. More than a decade of conflict in north-east Nigeria has resulted in an ongoing humanitarian crisis, with a dramatic mental health cost. 

 Community Champions create awareness on mpox among  vulnerable populations of Adama...

Yola, 20 December, 2022 - In August 2022, 31 years old Mrs Jenifer James, of Mumore community, Tongo Local Government Area in Adamawa State had just returned from the market when she developed a fever. 
“It started with a headache, high temperature, body ache and later rashes all over my body,” she says in an interview, as she describes the agonizing symptoms associated with the mpox (monkeypox) disease.  
Adding to the physical pain from the lesions was the mental stress because she did not know about the disease or where to go for care. 

WHO boosts function of Maiduguri  Polio laboratory 

Borno, 15 December, 2022 - One of the 36 States in Nigeria, had been experiencing incessant power outages since 2020, leaving some locations in the state in total darkness, due to the disruption of the power grid caused by insecurity. This has hampered operations at the polio laboratory situated at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH). 

Kwara State bolsters strategy to curb Yellow fever scourge 

Ilorin, 13 December, 2022 - Akwai zafi? meaning does it hurt (in Hausa language), asks Abdulafar Ahmed, jokingly as he administered the Yellow fever vaccine to some of the children at Ruggar Budo (a nomadic) settlement in Gwaria ward of Kaiama Local Government Area (LGA), in Kwara State Nigeria.  
Mr Ahmed is one of the vaccinators administering the yellow fever vaccines and other life-saving routine immunization (RI) vaccines to children under one at the nomadic settlements in Kaiama LGA.