
It was a happy day at the @MSF #Ebola treatment center in Bikoro, #DRC last week: Joseph, Marie-Noel and Vincent are going home after recovering from the disease.
In early July, more than 197,000 children aged between 6 months and 15 years were vaccinated against measles in a targeted immunization campaign in Koinadugu district in northern Sierra Leone. Reaching some of the country’s most remote areas, the campaign was conducted by the Ministry of Health and…
Interviews: 01. "La lutte est mondiale" Dr Martha Ghyansa-Lutterodt Directrice des Services Pharmaceutiques - Ghana 02. RAM & Systèmes de Santé Dr Frode Forland Chef du Programme Santé Mondiale Institut de Santé Publique - Norvège
The Ebola vaccine is a new tool that gives new hope to stop Ebola more quickly.
Women's health is recognized as a human rights issue and should be promoted and defended as such. Women in Africa represent slightly over 50% of the continent's human resources and so women's health has huge implications for the Region's development. Focusing in particular on the unacceptably high…
It was a happy day at the @MSF #Ebola treatment center in Bikoro, #DRC last week: Joseph, Marie-Noel and Vincent are going home after recovering from the disease.