Nigeria News

Canadian High Commissioner (left), Permanent Secretary and WHO Representative

Nigeria Pushes Agenda for Empowering Human Resource for Health

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Dr. Pascal Mkanda addressing the Survey team

Polio Sero-Prevalence Surveys-Confirming Population Immunity as crippling disease disappears.

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The Hon. Minister of Health and WR Nigeria

WHO bags Award at the Launching of National TB Prevalence Survey Report and 2015 -2020 Strategic Plan

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WR, Dr. Rui Vaz handing over keys to Permanent Secretary, Mr. Linus Awute

Neglected Tropical Diseases: WHO/APOC donates vehicles to fast-track attainment of elimination targets.

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Youth leader ensuring street immunization

Polio Legacy: WHO Partners Youth Groups to Dismantle Security Barriers in Accessing Chronically Missed Children.

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Stakeholders at the Workforce Registry Meeting

Nigeria in the Frontline-Council approves first National Health Workforce Registry in Africa

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Standing ovation following the Declaration

WHO Declares Nigeria Ebola-Free

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A child receiving OPV during DOPV

Knocking Off remaining Polio "Sanctuaries": Active Transmission Zone Concludes Synchronized Outbreak Response

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DOPV in habitual non-compliant settlement

DOPV Strategy: Closing the Immunity Gaps among Chronically Missed Children.

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The Minister (left), AfDB Country Director and WR signing the MOU

EVD Response: Ministry of Finance, AfDB and WHO Sign MOU for $1m Grant

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