Zimbabwe News


Zimbabwe on track to achieve the 2020 Global End TB Strategy milestones

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Health care worker explaining to women about post abortion care services available at health centres

Enhancing capacity of Zimbabwe’s health system to reduce abortion related maternal deaths

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SHEROES of Typhoid

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Zimbabwe's data on the AHO

Zimbabwe’s data on health SDGs progress now more accessible: Zimbabwe’s first step towards a National Health Observatory

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Group photo of Ministry f Health and Child Care leadership with tthe partners supporting the HIV Programs Joint Review

Zimbabwe Joint HIV Programs Review: Partnership in Action

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A cry to end AIDS by 2030 in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe HIV Patient Monitoring and Case-Based Surveillance – Leveraging on data to end AIDS by 2030

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“SHORRT” drug-resistant TB treatment on cards

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The campaign Banner

Zimbabwe commemorates World No tobacco day

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Group photo of the participants

Strengthening Zimbabwe’s capacity for supply chain logistics management during Public Health Emergencies

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Delegates following proceedings at the meeting to develop a national strategy to end viral hepatitis

Zimbabwe makes progress in the prevention and control of viral Hepatitis

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