South Sudan News

South Sudan

WHO joins partners at South Sudan’s National Health Summit to build a resilient health system and attain greater access to health services

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Dr Bimpa Lupanzula, gives an anti-polio drop to a child during the campaign launch at Jebel Dinka

Amid multiple health challenges and famine, WHO and partners strive to immunize over 3 million children against polio

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The oral cholera vaccines being ready to be dispatched to Leer Town

WHO secures oral cholera vaccines to slow down the spread of cholera in hard to reach areas of South Sudan

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Essential medicines and supplies allocated to Jonglei being loaded onto a cargo plane

WHO and ECHO delivered essential medicines and supplies to the communities affected by the cholera outbreak in South Sudan

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WHO welcomes and orientates 16 members of the Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) 49 to South Sudan

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Mr Louise Mokiri Avito during the meningitis outbreak response in 2008 in one of the villages in Torit County

WHO health worker killed in an attack in Torit County, former Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan

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Clinicians carry out practical sessions on the WHO Clinical Staging of HIV-AIDS

WHO in partnership with the Ministry of Health scaling up antiretroviral treatment (ART) in the Greater Upper Nile Region, South Sudan

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Group discussion on the 2017 key planned activities

WHO partners with South Sudan’s Government to strengthen disease surveillance and outbreak response to save lives

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