WHO and Rotary – Exemplary Partnership to End Polio in Ethiopia

WHO and Rotary – Exemplary Partnership to End Polio in Ethiopia

Rotarians from the USA and Canada paid  a courtesy visit to WHO Ethiopia on 6 October  2015, and were warmly welcomed  in a traditional coffee ceremony. The team also met and interacted with the staff of WHO Ethiopia Country Office Expanded Program on Immunization Team.

During a briefing session organized by WHO Ethiopia for the Rotarians on 7 October 2015, presentations were made on the current status of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, and updates were presented from the WHO Africa Regional Office and the Horn of Africa Polio Eradication Program on the polio eradication efforts and end game strategy, the polio outbreak response and the progress towards polio eradication in Ethiopia by Christine Lamoureux, WHO/HQ Polio Surveillance and Monitoring Unit, Dr Thomas Karengera, WHO Ethiopia EPI Team Leader and Dr Kathleen Gallagher, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager with WHO Ethiopia EPI Team. The briefing session in general focused on the progress made in Ethiopia towards the eradication of polio and acknowledged the support from the Rotarians.A video showing the polio intervention and a photo slide show demonstrating Rotary in action was also presented during the briefing session.

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