Ethiopia News

His Excellency Mr Boni Yayi addressing participants.

Changing the Conversation on Development Finance for Health

Landmark Launching of a 10-Year Strategy and Plan of Action to Transform Local Pharmaceutical Industry

Landmark Launching of a 10-Year Strategy and Plan of Action to Transform Local Pharmaceutical Industry

Participants of the IGAD Regulatory Collaboration and Harmonization Conference

IGAD Countries Sign Call for Action for Regional Medicine Regulation, Harmonization

Ethiopia commemorates World Hepatitis day

FMoH and development partners signing the Joint Financial Arrangement

Ethiopia and Development Partners Sign Joint Financing Arrangement for Health

Sustaining Achievements in Polio Eradication in Ethiopia and Africa

Sustaining Achievements in Polio Eradication in Ethiopia and Africa

The 45th Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) mission completed its field work in Ethiopia in June 2015.

Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) mission completed their field work in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is on track to achieve most of the MDGs by the end of 2015.

Making Ethiopian people healthier through the MDGs

Participants of the preparation workshop for the introduction of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine.

Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Introduction Preparations Starts in Ethiopia