Democratic Republic of Congo News

Democratic Republic of Congo
Modeste Mutinga Mutuishayi, Ministre des Affaires sociales, Actions Humanitaires et Solidarité Nationale lançant la vaccination orale contre le choléra au site de Kanyaruchinya, avec le soutien de l'OMS, Gavi et du Groupe international de coordination, ICG.

La RDC lance une vaste campagne de vaccination contre le choléra pour protéger les déplacés internes du Nord-Kivu

First Doses of the Ebola Vaccine Trial being stocked at the National Medical Store in Kampala, Uganda

Historical record: Ebola trial candidate vaccines arrive in Uganda 79 days after outbreak declared

Working with communities to curb cholera in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Working with communities to curb cholera in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Monitoring antimicrobial resistance trends to save lives

Monitoring antimicrobial resistance trends to save lives