Ethiopia News

mother infant

Fewer maternal deaths and stillbirths in Ethiopia: improving quality of care is paying off

Participants of 6th AVAREF meeting

6th set of meetings of the African Vaccine Regulatory Forum (AVAREF): AVAREF broadened beyond vaccines to include medicines

Participants of the CSOs dialogue on women's health meeting

Dialogue to accelerate CSOs’ role on women’s health in Ethiopia

Dr. Tedros Adhanom, WHO Director General during his opening speech

A pivotal moment demanding urgent action on ‘Food Safety’: Unsafe food is unacceptable

Gavi Board Chair, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala delivering remark during MCV2 launch

Ethiopia Launches Measles Vaccine Second Dose (MCV2) Introduction: Over 3.3 million children will receive the vaccine annually

Dr Tedros Adhanom, WHO Director General visiting health facilities in Ethiopia

WHO Director General commences his official visit to Ethiopia

WHO Ethiopia Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora on checkup at the health expo in the UNCC exhibition area

United Nation agencies launch “UN wellness week” in Addis Ababa

TB patients in a hospital

Ethiopia launched new guideline for reaching missed tuberculosis cases

Participants attended a training workshop on “Key enabling factors for successful local production and supply of quality-assured medicines”

Advancing local production and supply of quality assured medicines to improve access in the Africa region